The Facts About Greywater Systems

The Facts About Greywater Systems

Water usage is something that should concern us all. According to research conducted at McGill University, the average Canadian uses about 329 liters of water per day. That’s a lot! Yet many of us don’t give a second thought to running the water while we brush our...
Water and Leak Detection in Smart Homes

Water and Leak Detection in Smart Homes

Water leaks are a homeowner’s worst nightmare…and they happen frequently. Insurance statistics show that about 1 in 3 homeowner claims filed each year involve damage due to water. Indeed, according to the Insurance Information Institute, water damage and freezing due...
The Advantages of Natural Gas Barbecues

The Advantages of Natural Gas Barbecues

Though summer is technically coming to an end, those of us who are avid grill masters know that grilling season can last all year long. As long as you have what it takes to stand outside and barbecue in the chilly weather AND the right tools for a good end result, you...